Philip Stein Peaceful Playlist: Calming Music to Improve Your Well-Being
If you find yourself stressed out and unable to sleep most nights, you’re not alone. 77% of all adults in the United States say their high stress levels cause adverse physical symptoms, and 48% say that stress keeps them up at night.
Too much stress and lack of sleep can cause some significant health issues, including headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes — not to mention irritability! With all the stressors of modern life, it’s no wonder so many people are seeking safer, more natural remedies to relieve their stress, sleep better and improve their sense of well-being.
One easy and enjoyable solution for de-stressing and getting more sleep is listening to music. Music has been around since the beginning of human civilization, and it continues to be a central part of spiritual ceremonies for cultures that can trace their roots back thousands of years. For instance, ancient Native American cultures chant and play drums in their rituals to help evoke or appease spirits.
Archaeologists believe that singing and hand percussion (clapping, etc.) are almost as old as humanity itself. The first musical instruments were likely percussion instruments like sticks and drums that were used to bond communities.
The oldest instrument found to date is a 40,000-year-old flute carved out of bone, found deep within an ancient European cave. Modern versions of ancient practices like sound baths, transcendental meditation and yoga incorporate music to promote relaxation and a stronger Earth/body connection.
Music as Medicine
The use of music as a natural remedy for healing can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. Fast forward thousands of years, and scientific studies now support what ancient cultures already knew about music’s positive effects on the human body.
Music directly affects the psychological state and promotes relaxation by downregulating the automatic nervous system. A Harvard study conducted on patients who had recently undergone surgery found that music helped boost their immune systems and reduce their anxiety. Playing music also decreased patients' need for pain medication — even during surgery!
You’ve probably noticed by now that different types of music can have very different effects on your mental and emotional well-being. For instance, you might find that electronic music helps energize you, while New Age or classical music might help you unwind.
There’s a reason the human body and mind are sensitive and receptive to musical tones. Everything, including the human body, is in a constant state of vibration. Every living thing has a frequency or resonance like the Earth's. Due to scientific advances, scientists can now measure your vibrations in the form of brain waves.
The brain acts as the nucleus or epicenter of these vibrations. Like the human body, the Earth has electrical impulses. Natural atmospheric phenomena like lightning strikes help power the Earth’s bioelectric activity.
The Earth’s natural frequency, known as the Schumann resonance vibrates between 7.86Hz and 8Hz. This “heartbeat” of the planet can transmit healing energy into the human body and psyche by activating the body’s relaxation response. When our relaxation response is activated, we can slip into a more calm, peaceful, compassionate and less anxious state of mind.
The Benefits of Natural Frequency Technology
Most of us experience stress from time-to-time. Between family obligations and tight work deadlines, it seems like stress is a constant in everyday modern life. During times of stress, the body releases “fight or flight” stress hormones.
Chronic stress can cause short-term and long-term psychological and physical health problems. One theory to help explain why so much anxiety and stress exist in the modern world is that artificial technological frequencies are interfering with the body's natural inclination to stay in-sync with the Earth's vibration.
Artificial frequencies can heighten the body’s stress response and exacerbate mental and physical ailments. The constant bombardment of artificial frequencies can leave you feeling anxious, restless and unfocused.
Philip Stein’s wellness bracelets and watches are a potential remedy to help combat the effects of harmful artificial frequencies. The bracelets and watches feature a proprietary technology called Natural Frequency Technology. They contain an embedded disc that acts as an antenna to help channel the Earth’s beneficial and natural frequencies back into the body. Benefits of being back in-sync with the Earth’s natural rhythm include lower stress levels, higher energy, and more restful sleep.
Wind Down by Tuning in to 432Hz Music
Music tuned to 432Hz resonates with Earth’s frequency of 8Hz when translated on a musical scale. Known as Verdi’s “A,” 432Hz is mathematically consistent with the universe.
Named after Italian composer, Giuseppe Verdi, the Verdi’s “A” frequency is aligned with the body’s heart chakra. Opening the heart chakra promotes feelings of compassion, contentment and joy.
Music tuned to 432Hz is often described as sounding "softer" and "more pleasant" to the human ear and can help relax the mind and body by releasing "emotional blockage." Tuning music to 432Hz is anything but new. Many ancient religions and cultures, including Egypt and Greece, tuned their instruments to 432Hz.
Check out Philip Stein's YouTube Playlist featuring songs tuned to 432Hz to help you relax and unwind.
“Spiral of Now,” by Brian T. Collins
Brian T. Collins is a music composer who has dedicated himself to 432Hz music after having a spiritual experience while performing an ambient solo in front of a live audience. He saw thousands of people holding up lighters, which looked like stars in the dark. That experience inspired him to compose music that helps connect the people to the healing power of the Earth’s frequency.
“Déjà vu,” by Engima
Enigma is a German electronic music project founded by musician, Michael Cretu. Listening to this song is like going on a journey to a different land — or planet. Multi-layered calm beats and gentle chants can take you from stressed-out to calm in a matter of minutes.
“Now We are Free,” by Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer
Most people know this song from the movie, Gladiator. What makes this song unique is the language in which it’s sung. Songwriter, Lisa Gerrard wrote the lyrics in a made-up language she’s spoken since childhood.
Gerrard has said her unique language helped her connect to a higher power. There’s something mystical about listening to a song sung in a language that only one person knows by heart. Hanz Zimmer’s moving composition makes “Now We Are Free” a great song choice for when you want to feel a sense of peace and contentment.
“Moonlight Sonata,” by Beethoven
Piano Sonata No. 14 C-sharp minor, Opus 27 No. 2, performed by Finghin Collings
Beethoven’s masterpiece, originally written in 432Hz, is said to be inspired by his love for his young student, the Countess Giulietta Guicciardi. “Piano Sonata No. 14” was given the moniker “Moonlight Sonata” several years after Beethoven died by Ludwig Rellstab, a German critic who described it as “a boat passing the wild scenery of Lake Lucerne in the moonlight.”
This song can help put you in “trance-like” state — great for meditation and relaxation! The melody has some melancholy elements, but it’s beautiful nonetheless.
“Imagine,” by John Lennon
“Imagine” is one of John Lennon’s most iconic and some would say, revolutionary songs. Lennon asks the listener to “imagine” a place in which there is nothing that divides people from one another (e.g., religion, possessions). Its strong message wrapped within its soft lullaby-like melody makes “Imagine” a moving song choice for when you need to decompress after a long and stressful day.
“Gaia’s Love,” by Jen Rose
The sacred sound of Native American flutes can help lull you into a dreamlike state so you can feel more connected to the universe. This song is great for helping slow down your breathing during meditation or for helping you relax before crawling into bed.
“What a Wonderful World,” by Louis Armstrong
The simple, observational lyrics, “I see trees of green, red roses too…” allow you to imagine that you’re lying on a lush green field in the warm sun. It’s a fantastic mood-lifter!
Louis Armstrong’s unique voice adds to the song’s heart-warming appeal. Fun fact: In 1968 when the song was released, it barely cracked the charts. The song didn’t become popular until 20 years later when it was used in the movie, Good Morning, Vietnam.
“Poem of the Atoms,” by Armand Amar
Armand Amar sings this song in Persian, and it’s breathtaking. The lyrics, which translate to “every single atom, happy or miserable, becomes enamored in the sun,” can help you feel centered and more connected to all living things on Earth. Listen to this song when you get up in the morning to help open your heart for the day ahead.
“Für Elise,” by Beethoven
Bagatelle for Piano in A Minor "Für Elise", WoO No. 59
This piece is another one of Beethoven’s most well known pieces. Originally called, “Bagatelle in A Minor,” the composition is simple, yet haunting.
Contrary to popular belief, the song is really about Beethoven's love interest, Therese Malfatti, not a woman named Elise. Unfortunately, the man responsible for making copies of Beethoven's composition, misread Beethoven’s handwriting! Listen to this song with a soothing cup of tea to help you unwind after a long and stressful day.
“Valor do Pedido,” by Rainer Scheurenbrand
“Valor de Pedido” (sung in Spanish) is another great song to listen to while meditating. The lyrics, “we are thanking the sun, the moon, the stars, with love to illuminate my path,” can help you reflect on the spiritual connectedness between all humans and the Earth.
“May it Be,” by Enya
Enya is a New Age artist who is almost synonymous with the genre itself. This song was written for the movie, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and is featured on the movie’s soundtrack. The lyrics, “May it be an evening star shines down upon you. May it be when darkness falls, your heart will be true,” is almost like a blessing written to promote total relaxation. Listening to this song in 432Hz further enhances its beauty.
“Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu,” by Simone Vitale
The title of this song and its lyrics are from an ancient Sanksrit mantra. The mantra translates to, “may all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts and words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” The powerful lyrics and melody serve as a beautiful reminder that all living things are interconnected.
If you’re looking to feel more energetic or focused, check out our Spotify playlists and listen to more songs from the soundtrack of your wellbeing.